Monday, November 10, 2008

The Jericho

I've been working on a kinetic typography piece for a while now and here's the result. This was taken from the more recent iron man movie. This was my first attempt at anything in flash and I think this was a good starting point for me.


Marcelo Meijome said...

haha, I like the explosion at the end. Good job! The whole thing looks really good. I found a kinetic typography on youtube from this same clip you used, but the one you made is waaaaaay better.

Anonymous said...

The bomb at the end truly wins the piece. Great job! I like how it fell down through the sky. Thanks for your comment too!

Alex said...

That was really well done. I like the use of graphics to represent words (i.e. the American Flag instead of the word America.) Also, the explosion was ubercool.